Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Adios Amigos

Legend has it that you can balance an egg on end at the Equator, so when my wife Monique was offered a Foreign Service position with USAID in Ecuador, we jumped at the chance. Whereas most diplomatic spouses fill their days with philanthropy and socializing, I figure I can keep myself busy with a couple dozen eggs and a steady hand.

But seriously, if you haven't heard yet, on Sunday Monique and I will head out to Quito for the next two years. She'll be working as a Crisis Stabilization and Governance Officer, which has something to do with promoting democracy. I know it sounds vague and spy-like, but we're optimistic that under the Obama administration Latin American diplomacy and development can be forces for good. I guess time will tell.

In the meantime, I'll be finishing my last semester of law school as a student visiting abroad at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito. I'm also going to be interning at Asylum Access, an NGO that provides legal services in an effort to empower refugees in Ecuador and around the world. And I'll be looking for a paid job (in case you hear of anything).

When we're not being busy young professionals, Monique and I hope to enjoy the amazing natural and cultural opportunities that Ecuador has to offer. Just a few hours from our house we'll have 20,000+ foot volcanoes, Amazon rainforests, beautiful beaches, lots of hot springs, colonial cities, indigenous communities, colorful markets and tons of outdoor adventures (plus the Galapagos Islands!!). Quito is supposed to be a vibrant and picturesque city, that stands out among Latin American capitals as an exceptionally pleasant place to live. It's the second highest capital city in the world, at 9350 feet, and is flanked by snow-capped volcanoes.

Since we're with the Embassy, we should have a pretty swanky set-up. We'll be staying in a hotel for the first month or two while we find a place, but should hopefully have a nice house or apartment before too long. And we'll definitely have room for guests, so start planning your trip.

Here's to great 2009!!!

Hasta luego,
Dan & Monique


  1. I'll be there! I miss you so much already! Huge hugs coming your way!

  2. We will miss you guys. You will definitely be seeing us by 2010. Keep the blog posts coming.

  3. wonderful page and initial post. I look forward to reading about your new adventures and to visiting. Love Dad

  4. I assume Monique took the foreign service exam wearing a sling and an eye patch and asked the guy next to her what KGB stood for...(Spies Like Us reference). Seriously, that is so awesome. Quito just jumped way up on the "places to go" list. I look forward to reading all about your adventures.

  5. Dan and Monique--I am so excited for the two of you...and for this blog. I wonder how you decided to blog here and not on FB. I wonder what your vision is for this blog? Its so imporant to write about this experience. Hope to see you somewhere soon!

    From Pakistan, Ekamati

  6. so, when do the posts start? i want to read them!

  7. Dear Dan and Moninque, best wishes from a So. Florida Raging Granny who loves your Mom and her work for justice. We are looking foreward to seeing her shortly. Peace, Carole Fields. Lake Worth
